Friday, October 21, 2011

Show Me the Blog - Day 1 (before lunch)

Got to Lumier early, and picked a table w/ power, ended up sitting with a lot of the presenters
Hashtab is #SMBSTL

The first panel was 'So You Want a Job in Social Media' w/ Danyelle Little (, Annie Haarmann, Aimee Knebel, & Jenna Petroff
  •   Social Media is not a 9-5 job, it happens all the time and insomnia is a regular issue.
  •   Lots of research time & responding to customers at all hours
  •   Know your audience (the company and the customer)
  •   If you don't know Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc on a personally, then get started now before you go looking for a job.  But just because you 'watch', doesn't mean you know what you are doing.  You need to be interacting, because that is what SM is.
  • @bellebeandog put it well "Your online profiles are your resume"
  •   Other's may think you just have fun all day, but it is work.
  • @YelpStLouis Dad thinks she tweets all day long for work
  • Where do you find the Social Media job?
    • They won't call it Social Media, it will be PR or graphic design
    • It comes back to who you know
    • Ask to talk to someone you know for just information
    • Having a background in PR, Marketing, Event Planning, Communications is a Plus
    •  Don't be afraid to create the job you want 
  • DON'T DO - Definitely don't drink and tweet!
  • Use different clients when you tweet personal and business.
  • WAIT, take a minute, before you fire back at someone attacking you/your brand in social media. Calm down first
  • You can never delete something on the internet.
    • @bellebeandog: You might delete a tweet but the history stays. Be careful of your personal brand n reputation.
  • Be sure to look at WHERE you are seeing your return.  Is it Facebook, Email, Twitter, other
  • Respond to critics and advocates, but be sure it's not the constant complainers.
Lunch was sponsored by @Hardees
To read about the events after lunch go to

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