Friday, March 05, 2010

Weird Characters in Facebook

I've had a few questions about Facebook updates, so I thought I would let everyone know. I use my Palm Pre to update and monitor Twitter. When I update Twitter, it then proceeds to update Facebook.

A few definitions in Twitter: 
  1. RT = ReTweet. Basically forwarding a message from someone else in order to spread the word even more.
  2. The "@" references from whom the original Twitter post came from. @MayorSlay = Mayor Francis Slay of St Louis City, @FOX2now = Fox 2 News, @BillCosby = The man from the Cosby Show, @gliyeos = Rock Hill City administrator George Liyeos.   
    Basically for @'s just got to, where the ? is the name after the @ sign.
  3. Is the "#" symbol. This is a way of tagging a post in twitter so that other people can participate in the discussion. #rhlmo = City of Rock Hill, MO.
Hope that helps everyone.
If there are questions, post them here so I can let everyone know the answers.

Thursday, February 04, 2010



DATE: February 4, 2010



It has just recently come to the attention of the City of Rock Hill that the Rock Hill Presbyterian Church at the north east corner of Manchester and McKnight may be under consideration for being sold. The church property is home to the historic Fairfax House,

which was built along with the church by the Marshall family nearly 200 years ago. The city owns the Fairfax House and leases its current location from the church.

At this point in time the City has not received any official word about the possible sale and is not aware of the status of any sales contract, the alleged purchaser, or what the future use of the property might be. The City has not received any request from any party to terminate its lease or to relocate the Fairfax House, and the City is not aware at this time of the effect of a sale, should it come to pass, on these issues.

The present owner of the property is the “Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy, Inc.” located at 2236 Tower Grove Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63110. Its phone number is (314) 772-2395.

The Historic Preservation group was organized to restore the Fairfax House and has spent a great deal of time and effort over the past several years in repairing and maintaining this structure.

When additional information is received by the City of Rock Hill, the relevant details that are allowed to be made public will be disclosed. Until such time that this aforementioned information is received, no other official statement will be made.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact the Rock Hill City Attorney-Paul Martin at 961-0097 ext. 12.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Start of the 2010 Election season

I have started looking at how to run my campaign for the alderman race. Elections are April 6th.
List of candidates for April 6

Opened a new e-mail account:
Checking on rates for ads, and mailings
Need to take a family picture (we have been needing to do this for a long time)
Talking to friends and family looking for asstance in knocking on doors.

Still need to get a hold of my competition to see what pushed him to run.

Should be fun