Saturday, April 02, 2011

Show me the Blog Conference

At the WizTech Cafe on Locust (The Club sandwich is good).

Before it started met @HealthyLifeDeal at the Show me the Blog presentation ( She does couponing for Whole Foods, and is holding another class on May 14th.

Stand tall and be proud of your blog. And don't be afraid to take a stand!
When a company approaches you to review their product, @TheCubicleChick (1000+ e-mail subscribers) sends them a media kit and an advertising rate sheet. The companies either say no, or alot of time they say "sure".
Stop blogging for free. Not that every blog post needs to be paid for, but don't give everything away. You must disclose in the blog if you are paid. Don't want to get that $100k fine from the FTC.

Treat it like a business if you really want to make money with it (try 5% first). Make sure to be authentic and genuine. It is competitive environment.

Know your price - Have a press kit, and know your Alexa and Page Rank ratings are; and who your demographics are. Don't pitch a company you don't really want to do business with (have a pitch letter). Customize your letter to the company you are writing to. Tell them what you do, and how you do it. Also, know about how social media savvy the company is. lets you compare how you rank against other websites out there.
Another way to make money is to use Ad networks to place advertising on your site.
It is not always getting paid, but maybe getting free products, trips, admission to conferences.

Remember, you are spending your time, so you should get paid for your time.
Put value in your social circle on Twitter and Facebook.
Spreading your blogs around, also spreads you around. But you may need different blogs if the subject matter is really unreleated.

Be passionate about what you blog about, you are only writing for one person (yourself). As your start, it doesn't matter how many people read it. Only need the right person to read it, and you never know who that is. It may seem to take forever, and you may want to give up, but that is why you are doing something you have passion for.

Do you ever clock out? It is NOT a 9-5. You need to put in the constant effort to keep in the game for more than a short time. You have to sacrifice to get what you want. There is no off button on the internet.

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