Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Working late for Scherry Consulting

Why would I be up at 4am?
  Indegestion - NO
  Kids awake - Not tonight
  Party all night - It's been MANY years since it has been this late.
  Is there a server down somewhere - That program (and pay) has ended

I did get some sleep so far (3hr), and plan on getting some more.  But I promised a client their computer back by today (Wed), and I plan on delivering on that promise.
Since I work a full time job during the day (at least for now, see my previous post), and have two kids that want time with daddy, and I love spending time with my wife after the kids are asleep.  So work for clients (the current 2 of them) gets done late.
It was great of my current boss, and owner of Guaranteed Computer. To allow me to pursue these clients on my own.  Relationships have been developed over the years, and the extra income will help.  Plus, it could lead into having my own PC consulting business for many clients.
So tonight, I am rebuilding a clients PC, and it had 2hrs of Windows updates to download.  As I type, it is installing the 2nd round of updates.  
Once this finishes, I'm hoping to make it to bed with my wife, for another hour or two of sleep tonight.  But there could be many more nights in my future.

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