Dear Friends and Family,
Last night, I found out that my company, Guaranteed Computer Technology, has lost their one major contract. Our client’s transition to the new provider, is supposed to conclude before July 1. This means that my boss (Mike Volmert) will be dissolving the company (GCT), and my more than 12 years of employment there will end by July of this year, possibly sooner.
Mike has been fantastic in notifying me about what is going on, and what to possibly expect in the coming months. We really can’t be sure though.
Any thoughts or leads or any information you can think of that might help me find a new job would be very much appreciated.
Please contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or leads. My e-mail is, and phone number is 314-485-9686
You can view my current resume here.
Thank you for any help you can provide.